Joel Sam

Joel Sam’s family lives in Bamaga and originates from Saibai Island. Born on Thursday Island, he currently lives in Cairns, having finished his art studies in 2005 with a Diploma of Art from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Visual Arts Course at the Tropical North Queensland TAFE. In recent years he has been developing an art practice and technical skills in the medium of the linocut. Joel’s artworks are inspired by his culture, and the images are of sea creatures that live in and around the Torres Strait, such as turtles, squid, the fish of the reef and the shells and corals of the Coral Sea. Joel exhibits at KickArts in Cairns, and much of his work is printed at Djumbunji Press.
Subject & Themes
The artist’s linocuts are influenced by his culture and the sea creatures that live in and around the Torres Strait Islands
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