This is an important male Yilpinji (love magic) story. All women, despite their devotion to the land they grew up in must forsake this country and go with a man of the right skin group and adopt his country once married. The artist has shown a Jakamarra man and his Napaljarri partner as U shapes with their genitals protruding in the centre of the image. The woman is surrounded by digging sticks. The man is shown at the top of the image with his shield. They are both travelling from the south to the north. The woman wants to go toward her own country. Her desire to travel east is shown at the bottom of the image however the travelling lines are not connected to her destination indicating that the man is preventing her from returning to her country. She must go with him to his own country as indicated by the travelling path shown on either side of the image. He tells her,’ If you go that way, you will have to travel with another man of the wrong skin group’.