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Thurr means tracks of the turtle. It is not a traditional story but one based on the lifecycle of the turtle. The artist wished to produce an etching of much the same story that he executed in an earlier linocut titled, Waru Kazil.

The artist feels compassion for the baby turtle in its struggle for survival from its many predators such as humans, goannas and Frigate birds.

The claw like shapes running up both sides of the print represent the tracks the turtle makes when crawling up the beach to lay her eggs.

The turtle eggs are depicted in a sandy colour with baby turtles emerging down the print as they head for the blue waters of the sea.

A goanna’s head is seen at the base of the V shape element at the top of the print. The two prongs at the bottom represent the beak of the Frigate bird and off to the side are the flippers of the mature turtle.

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