Kulukuku – Wild Bush Pigeon



‘This man here Yimarrimarri, a Jakamarra from Yarwalga, did not want to marry his promised girl. He was in love with two sisters from the wrong skin group. They were Nungala’s (He not only wanted one classificatory mother in law – he wanted two!). The older one already had two children. When the time came for the Big Business he started to sing this song as he walked away from his people. Jakamarra was singing all the way carrying his shield looking for the two Nungala women to make love even though it was wrong way. No worry.’ He gathered some bark and made some bush string rubbing the bark on his thigh as he sang. He wove it on to a spindle. From the string he made a love belt, a Majadri. He put on the dance belt and sang and danced to charm the two women. He found some tracks of the two Nungalas and followed them walking on their tracks. He was making rude jokes and singing and dancing all the way. He saw where they had been making wee wee and where they had been sitting. He kept tracking them a long way. He crosses Kurungu, the land of the Kulukuku, the little pigeon with the red eye. He see the big wild pigeon in Walamurruloo, further to the west. He sings their songs, the songs of their country. He walked all the way up to Duck Pond. There the two Nungala women heard them singing. They said ‘he must love us’. He made love to both of them and took them back to his country.

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