Diving Duck



Gurrupudu, the diver duck (Burala/Djanggalan in Gupapuynguu) traveled from the east to Gat’dji and in its journey stopped in prominent areas of Yirritja land. On its travel from the east it came and stopped at Gapuwiyak (Lake Evella). From there it flew and stopped at certain places and then the Gurrupudu flew and came to the Balmbi land,Yatharamara and gave them song and ceremony. From there Gurrupudu flew and landed at Gat’dji lagoon. The spirit of the Gurrupudu now rests in the lagoon. Gat’dji is a Yirritja place and belongs to the Bulkbulk Mapurn/Clan group, a Wulaki/Djinang speaking people.

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