Defending the Oceans: At the Heart of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands Art


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Boxed set of three exhibition catalogues, Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, March 24 to 30 September 2016.

Alick Tipoti – Ken Thaiday Snr. – Brian Robinson, Torres Strait Islands
Essays by Sally Butler
68 Pages, 36 illustrations

Ghostnet Art: Twenty Thousand Nets Around the Sea.
Essays by Geraldine Le Roux, Sid Bruce Joe and Elliot Koonutta.
Works by artists from Erub Arts , Pormpuraaw Art & Culture Centre and  Ceduna Aboriginal Arts and Culture Centre.
60 pages, 43 illustrations

Bagu: Matter and Spirit in Rainforest Country
Girringun Art Centre Artists
Essays by Jane Raffan
48 Pages, 26 illustrations

Text in English and French




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