George Arago Sambo

George Arago Sambo is a knowledgable cultural elder and gifted artist from Mer (Murray Island) located in the Eastern Torres Strait. He is highly regarded for the Dari headdresses he creates. Dari were originally worn during warfare but still hold great status today throughout the Torres Strait. The Dari is widely used to signify cultural ownership and vary in their design depending on the island and clan of the Dari maker. George can trace his ancestry back through many generations. This has helped him in his research of early Miriam clan designs and patterning which informs the Dari he creates today. Queensland Art Gallery/GOMA hold a number of the artist’s works which were shown in their seminal 2011 exhibition, The Torres Strait Islands.
2011 Torres Strait Islands. Queensland Art Gallery/GOMA, Brisbane Qld
Queensland Art Gallery/GOMA
Torres Strait Islands exhibition catalogue 2011, Queensland Art Gallery/GOMA, pgs.24-25
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