Don Tjungerai

Don Tjungarrayi of the Loritja tribe was born ‘out bush’ c.1939.
He received some schooling as a boy at the Yuendumu settlement but prefered the life of a stockman and worked cattle on many of the stations in the Western Desert before settling at Papunya in the late 1970s. There he began painting under the guidance of his elder stepbrother Paddy Carroll Tjungerrayi. Don is married to Entatura, a senior woman in the Papunya community who is also a renowned artist. They have a son, daughter and four grandchildren
National Gallery Australia, Canberra
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Museum of Victoria, Melbourne
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
Australian Art Gallery, Canberra
Queensland Art Gallery Brisbane
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
Homes a Court Collection, Perth
Wollongong City Art Gallery, Wollongong
Art Gallery of Western Australia Perth
Arts Centre Melbourne
Art Bank, Sydney
Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs
Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery, Broken Hill
Kelton Foundation California
Kerry Stokes Collection, Perth
Wollongong City Art Gallery, Wollongong
Group Exhibitions
1982 Aboriginal Artists Agency, Sydney
1982 Georges Exhibition, Melbourne
1983 Mori Gallery, Sydney
1983 Roar Studios, Melbourne
1984 Mori Gallery, Sydney
1984 Papunya and Beyond, Araluen Centre for the Arts, Alice Springs
1984 Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs
1985 Aboriginal Artists Gallery, Melbourne
1986 Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth
1986 Queensland University, Brisbane
1987 4th National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
1988 Chapman Gallery, Canberra
1991 The Painted Dream. Contemporary Aboriginal Paintings, Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland, NZ
1992 Araluen Centre for the Arts, Alice Springs
1992 Dreamtime Gallery, Broadbeach Qld.
1993 Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
1993 Chapman Gallery, Canberra
1993 Tjukurrpa. Desert Dreamings – A Survey of Central Desert Art
1971-1993, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
1994 Araluen Centre for the Arts, Alice Springs
1994 Chapman Gallery, Canberra
1994 Dreamtime Gallery, Broadbeach Qld.
1995 Chapman Gallery, Canberra
1997 Geschichtenbilder, Aboriginal Art Galerie Bahr, Speyer, Germany
1998 Kunst der Kontinente. Werke der Aborigines, Kunstverein Alsdorf, Germany (in cooperation with the Aboriginal Art Gallery Bahr, Speyer)
1999 Zeichen des Seins. Malerei der australischen Aborigines, Stadtische Galerie ADA, Meiningen, Germany (in cooperation with the Aboriginal Art Gallery Bahr, Speyer)
2000 BlickDicht – An- und Einblicke. Zeitgenossische Kunst australischer Aborigines, Adelhausermuseum, Freiburg, Germany (in cooperation with the Aboriginal Art Gallery Bahr, Speyer)
2000 Kunst der Aborigines, Leverkusen, Germany (in cooperation with the Aboriginal Art Galley Bahr, Speyer)
2000 Traumpfade Zeitgenossische Malerei australischer Aborigines, Stadtische Galerie, Traunstein, Germany (in cooperation with the Aboriginal Art Gallery Bahr, Speyer)
1986 Alice Springs Art Prize
‘Aboriginal Artists of the Western Desert – A Biographical Dictionary’, Vivien Johnson, Craftsman House 1994,
‘The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture’, Sylvia Kleinert and Margo Neale, OUP 2000,
‘Australian Aboriginal Artist Encyclopedia – dictionary of biographies’ Kreczmanski, Janusz B & Birnberg, Margo (eds.)
Aboriginal Artists: Dictionary of Biographies: Central Desert, Western Desert & Kimberley Region (JB Publishing Australia, Marleston, 2004) Brody, A. 1989
Utopia women’s Paintings: the First Works on Canvas, A summer Project, 1988-89 exhib. Cat. Heytesbury Holdings, Perth Brody A. 1990
Utopia, a picture Story, 88 Silk Batiks from the Robert Homes a Court Gallery and gallery Collection, Heytesbury Holdings LTD Perth
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