Daisy Andrews
I was born at Cherrabun Station at the creek near the homestead. I grew up at the station. My father used to work there. Sometimes he would run away with us kids and his three wives. When this happened the police used to come and pick him up.
One time they put chains around his neck and made him walk from Cherrabun to Bayulu and from Bayulu to the police station at the Old Crossing at Fitzroy. He was chained to a tree with some of the other men. I saw them with my own eyes. We camped near the police station because my father was there. I learnt to work on the station cleaning and cooking. We used to work for tea, sugar, flour, tobacco, blankets and clothes to wear. My father went to pick up families that were taken from their country by the police and Aboriginal trackers. People used to cry for their county but we told them don’t cry and think about your country.
Subject & Themes
Bush fruit, bush food, karing karing, river fig, Donkey Gorge, Muntujarra, Wet Season.
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra ACT
Berndt Museum, University of WA, Perth
Museum And Gallery Northern Territory, Darwin.
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
North Australian Research Unit, ANU Karrayili Adult Education Centre, Darwin.
Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, Perth
Individual Exhibitions
2008 Remembering Lumpu Lumpu and Karriny Karriny, Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne VIC
2005 Daisy Andrews, Turlpu Ngajukura Jangka – From My Heart, Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne.
2004 New Work, Gadfly Gallery, Perth.
2003 Walmajarri Country, paintings by Daisy Andrews, Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne.
2001 Landscapes, Artplace Gallery, Perth.
1998 Parranga, Hogarth Gallery, Sydney.
1997 Wet Time, Australian Perspectives, Brisbane.
Group Exhibitions
2009 Margaret River Meets Fitzroy Crossing, Tunbridge Gallery, Margaret River, WA
2008 25th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of NT
2007 24th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of NT
2007 Women Artists of Fitzroy Crossing, Raft Artspace, Darwin
2007 24th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.
2006 Divas of the Desert, Gallery Gondwana, Alice Springs NT
2005 Too Much Good Work, Raft Artspace, Darwin NT
2004 This is Still My Country:10 years on, Perth International Arts Fair, Artplace, Perth
2004 The Art of Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Artists, POSCO Art Museum , Korea
2004 Ngurrara Canvas, Perth Concert Hall, Perth International Arts Festival.
2003 Jila, Jumu, Jiwari & Wirrkuja, University of Western Australia
2003 Fitzroy Fusions, Raft Artspace, Darwin
2003 Group Show, Flinders Lane Gallery, Melbourne.
2002 Group Show, Short St Gallery, Broome WA
2002 Short on Size, Short St Gallery, Broome WA
2002 Recent works from Mangkaja, Short St Gallery, Broome WA
2001 Past modern, Australia Square, Short St Gallery Sydney NSW
2001 Ngurrara Canvas, National Gallery of Australia,. Canberra ACT 2001 Mangkaja Arts Ten Years On Mangkaja’s10 year Anniversary Show, Tandanya, Adelaide
2001 Short on Size, Short St. Gallery, Broome WA
2001 Fitzroy Women, Short St Gallery, Broome WA
2001 18th National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territiory, Darwin.
2000 Women’s Work, Hogarth Gallery, Sydney
2000 National Aboriginal art Award, Darwin Art Gallery NT
2000 Transitions 17 years of the National Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, National Tour.
2000 Short on Size, Short St Gallery, Broome WA
1999 Ngurrara, Japingka Gallery, Fremantle WA
1999 Story Boards Ceramic tiles from the Kimberley, Fremantle Art Centre WA
1999 Short On Size, Short St Gallery Broome WA
1999 Ngurrara Paintings of country, Japingka Gallery, Fremantle.
1998 Mangkaja, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London;
1997 Heritage Commission Art Award, Old Parliament House, Canberra.
1997 National Aboriginal art Award, Darwin Art Gallery NT
1997 Heritage Commission Art Award, Old Parliament House, Canberra ACT
1997 Group Show, Hogarth Gallery, Sydney; Heritage Commission Art Award, Old Parliament House, Canberra.
1996 Heritage Commission Art Award, Old Parliament House, Canberra; Group Show, Hogarth Gallery, Sydney.
1996 National Aboriginal art Award, Darwin Art Gallery NT
1996 Minyarti Wangki Ngajukura Ngurrarajangka, This the Word from My Country, Indigenart Gallery, Perth WA
1996 Group Show, Hogarth Gallery, Sydney NSW
1995 Kimberley Art, Melbourne VIC
1995 National Aboriginal art Award, Darwin Art Gallery NT
1995 Group show, Australian Perspectives Gallery, Brisbane QLD
1995 Mangkaja; Old Mangkaja New Prints – Australian Print Workshop Melbourne; Kimberley Art, Melbourne; Group Show, Australian Perspectives Gallery, Brisbane
1994 National Aboriginal art Award, Darwin Art Gallery NT
1994 Bush Women, Fremantle Art Centre WA
1994 Ngajakurra Ngurrara Minyarti, This is My Country, Festival of Perth, Artplace Gallery, Perth WA
1993 Mangkaja Women, Fremantle Art Centre WA
1993 Images of Power, Aboriginal Art From the Kimberley, National Gallery of Victoria
1992 Group Show, Hogarth Gallery, Sydney NSW
1991 Karrayili Tandanya, Adelaide SA
1996 Western Australian Opera, 12mx1m Landscape for the production of “Alcina” 1996
1994, Telecom Australia Prize, $15,000; National Aboriginal Art Award, Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences, Darwin
2008 Accounting for the Collector: An exhibition across two sites – A collaboration between Brian Tucker, Griffith University, Logan Art Gallery
& Redcliffe City Gallery NSW
2001 18th National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum & Gallery of the NT
2000 Karrayili, The History of Karrayili Adult Education centre, IATSIS Canberra ACT
2000 Painting Up Big, The Ngajukura Canvas, Kaltja Now, National Aboriginal Cultural Institute – Tandanya
2000 Transitions 17 years of the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Exhibition
2000 Ngurrara Entry / Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art Oxford university Press and ANU
1996 13th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Exhbition Catalogue
1996 Minyarti Wangki Ngajukura Ngurrarajangka; This is the word from my Country, Exhibition Catalogue
1995 12th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Exhbition Catalogue
1994 Bush Women Exhibition Catalogue
1993 Images of Power: Aboriginal Art from the Kimberley, Exhibition Catalogue
1993 Mangkaja Women’s Exhibition Catalogue, Fremantle Art Centre
1991 Karrayili; Ten years on Exhibition Catalogue
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